Tuesday, January 26, 2010

happy republic day to all of u.

mazhee vichar
there are some people we saw around us.

 with joy,with sadness,with humble face or as rude
this society is full of such people.
when i was setting in class yesterday attending lecture "physically";
one thought come in my mind ........
this is nothing put a poem in which i can express that thought...
now this "poem " comes within me  i think beacuse of  my 'regular' travel to my institute...by bus 
this is to that bus  ....(i think yhis is first time in history of poetry that someone dedicating poem to bus)

माणसे इथिली असतील  खंबीर |
  पेलतिल कोणतेही संकट अंगावर |
पडतील तुकडे शरीराचे तरीही |
लड्तिल मानाने बहादुर

कारण कोणीतरी
म्हटले आहे याला राकट देशा ||

जाहले भूकंप अफाट |
फुटले ज्वालामुखी असंख्य |
जमिनीत ओढली माणसे तरीही |
उभी राहिली जमिनीच्या उरावर|

कारण कोणीतरी

म्हटले आहे याला कनखर  देशा ||

माणसे परिचित नाहीत  माणसाला |
इथे माणुसकीचा बाजार मांडलेला|
नेहमीच्या नजरान्नीच चस्मा ओढलेला|
इथे  माणसेच विचारतात  कुठे भेटेल
माणूस माणसाला |

  कारण कोणीतरी

म्हटले आहे याला दगडांच्या  देशा |
          दगडांच्या देशा |
          दगडांच्या देशा |
          दगडांच्या देशा ||

............................................... thank u
what i am reading now days
G .A .Kulkarni (जी .ए.)
marathi writer

1 comment:

  1. Nice poem guys. When I first read this poem, I felt like he has written poem of some other poet like Suresh Bhatt(I know i'm linking his name to some very great person but yaa, i felt so). But this is his own creation. But one thing I'm not getting,why he dedicated the poem to Bus????????
