Friday, December 30, 2011

What we gain ,What we lose

Now the 2011 is going to be end and we are eager to welcome the 2012,before saying to bye to the 2011 i just thought that let's have look and see What we gain ,What we lose.

 let start with an optimistic attitude and think about what good this year gives us....for me this year give me an identification as an engineer.this year give me a realization of my friend circle as my college life ends this year.
 no doubt our country found a new hero in anna hazare.he show us the path of which gandhi was walked.
we got a world cup !!!! ok i will not go in detail in this as we have enjoy this as a festival in India.
 we got the magsaysay award (Nileema Mishra,) for working in poor villages of maharashtra. 

these are some i we know human tendency is to forget the good tings and remember the dab foe long time....
i can prove that ....if i will ask u to tell best 10 things happend in india in 2011????you have to think hard...
but i ask 10 bad things happend in 2011 .....sure the stress is much small to your head than a previous question ...Right????
anyways this is same with me also ...
now lets move to the bad things happend in 2011
2011 was very cruel year as i must say beacuse it took away many great people(i really admired them) from us like Pt bhimsen joshi ,satyadev dubey ,M.F.Hussian ,dev anand.
those who worked with trade market this year is not good as sensex is as low in last 120 weeks.
for india inflation rate is on its maximum, in corruption we Indians are in top list.
i think these are the thing which really hurt me and i hope all of us as an indian .
but there is one thing with which every Indian is living and that is hope for better tomorrow
and with the i hope 2012 will solve the problems we created in 2011 and increase the happiness.
with this i wish to you

that's all from my table

Friday, October 21, 2011

Race Of/For Life

Just watching the a cartoon of tom and jerry where tom is constantly trying to catch jerry.;and jerry try his best to escape from tom.
Ok..this is fantastic cartoon ..i  am watching from past 10-15 years.
and now i think i am playing the role of jerry in my real life.
not me but all of us are in this character now..and our generarion and the coming are also in this pose.
we are running constantly...from whom...ask youself???
wait this scenerio who is tom then???
i think we are playing both roles!!!!!!!!!
first we decide what we want??
an start running towards..then we look around and change the aim again...then run then look around then change the aim...then...................cycle goes on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just remember what was our ambition when we are asmall kid??
what are when we are in 10th std student ???
what are when we are degree holder???
are they same???
i will bet you that decide your aim now.. and just think on it after 5 years and is that will same??? i think not!!
we are constantly running following our dreams...but are we really need to be there with them????
think on it!!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

We love white ( i.e. we hate black )!!

Yesterday evening I am just watching add on television for some kind of face cream which makes your face “glow” within 7 days …wow!!!!

Then I just thought about the person who struck that idea that face cream which make you look fair could be a product. Hats off u man!!

What a great human tendency!!

Today I must say being a black is ashamed (in India at least ...As far as I observed).

Why the hell we all are so desperate for fair skin..we want a woman with fair skin ..We want a child with fair skin …why why??!!!!

We are hammered with the thinking that fair is good and Black is Curse!!

Yes this is the answer!!!!

Now this is our view point to see any thing!!Fair good..Not a fair go to hell…


Yes you must say right!!!!

Black means no…right!!

To protest..or to oppose someone show them Black….right??

Today India is biggest consumer zone for those fairness cream companies

And why because we “love” fair..

In early day’s woman are affectionate towards these product’s but now even boy’s are buying these crap!!!!right…(haha I got that!!!).

Guys is there any need for these stuff to you??

What are we doing??Pretending that yes we are ‘white’. Why?

Ashamed of being brown or black? Why?

Just have a pause and think what we are doing?

The truth is that all of us have a black mind inside us.. and so we want a white face to balance the equilibrium.

For the day …from my table..

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

According To You What Is Defination Of Perfect Life?????

On one cold evening  i just sitting in my galary, having a cup of tea(wah wah !!kya scene hai) and suddenly my phone rings, and  i see its "paaras calling" .  i  pick up phone and after talking for couple of minutes he ask me the question  ,According To You What Is Defination Of Perfect Life?????
 woh woh, i am not a kind of animal who has a plans for life (even i dont have a  plan for next moment, haha.)  actually i am studied in alandi ,and so i just have a one line in my mind that is, "Thevile anante taisechi rahave, Chitti asu dyave samadhan" ,that means be happy in what you are!!!.
so by this question i just have a littile shock????? ..when paaras ask me something or some question this is usual state for me!!!!!
ok guys, this question does not have a single answer.....
every person has a diffrent thinking platform and so for each of us the answer may be diffrent..
some of my friends are too studious so according to them having high salary and placement in google or microsoft is a perfect life,
one of mine is too addected(perfect word to describe) to music so for him it may be perfect to listen a song from pt bhimsen joshi or from narayan rajahans!!!!
some of them see this perfection in money,or for someone this is in thier likeness,
i am too lucky that i have some friends who say that their life is ideal already....good guys good .!!!

according to me   "whatever life you lived other than that is ideal life for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
you can deny my thought but guys just think on it for couple of minutes and you will come to know that it has some sense .

in real aspect no one having a perfect life... we all are trying to achive it ,and thats keep us alive...and running in race which is having a final aim as Perfect Life!!
when you have achive this aim.... and when you think that now you are in state of perfect life....from that moment the spark in your life ends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............................
what's say guys??

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why U Not call your friends by their original names?

when we call our friends in our collage its not by their original names, but...
OK instead of giving theory let me give u example,now when we yell out name 'सच्या' it means sachin is called.
on this issue(such a cute word in English) i want to focus today...
i am taking to my friend and sa soon sa my call ended my father ask me "Why U Not call your friends by their original names?"....
actually i  have answer but not acceptable!!!!!
in my friend circle we never called each other by their complete name .but we twisted their names and make them   2 SHOT PRONOUNCEABLE.
now what that mean is ..
we call sachin as  सच्या
vinay  विन्या

sumit सुम्या

umesh  उम्या

and this goes on ...
we belive that only calling like this we actually communicate properly.
this does not mean that we are respecting their mother and father's feeling which they have from their son while keeping this name to their child.
but this is our ownway to call... and we proceed like this only.
someone said me that you are not people who know to give a respect to other...(hahahaha)
आता ह्याला काय बोलणार .

मला वाटत अपभ्रंश केल्याने नावाचा अपमान होत नाही तर त्यामुळे मैत्रीची नाती घट्ट होतात .
आम्ही मित्र कधी सुद्धा एकमेकांना पूर्ण नावाने हाक मारत नाही .जर असे एखाद्याने केले तर तो शीवी खायल दुसर काय.
नाती हि काही formality म्हणून बनवायची नसतात . आणि आम्ही मित्र असेच आहोत .संस्कार म्हणजे भाषा नाही ,तर संस्कार म्हणजे एकमेकातील समंजसपनाची जाणीव होय .
एकमेकांना आदराने वागवण्यापेक्षा ,एकमेकांना प्रेमाने वागवलं तर जास्त चांगलं अस वाटत .

तुम्हाला काय वाटत???

Monday, August 15, 2011

Once Again

It is very difficult to act on when u speak....i really experience this, as i mentioned in my last blog that i want to post a blog (at least!!) in a week but failed to do so ..and i don't have such a good reason with me now!!!!!....

so on this i remembered that sentence that, "in shooting don't first tell what is your target first shoot and then named whatever you shoot as a target ".

so i am sitting down and writing (that mean's Typing) here what i am thought for!!!!!

in these days i have stoped watching a tv news and reading a news paper because it really making me frustrated.

some one is killing to someone ,bomb blast ,corruption("Breaking News"),riots, and all that crap....

And today we all are celebrated our independence day

I am agree that I am too lazy person that I never read books based on history neither I have any sharp concept about freedom fighter …I am not from those families.. Whose granpa’s are fought with British gov. but I am the person who is living 20th century and not felling that we all are free… this ‘free’ u can take in any concern ….

May be I am wrong..but we all people don’t know the value of independence because it is free for us and according to market theory any free thing u get is useless for you…..

We are people of India and celebrating the independence day of India ….are we know what we actually celebrating for . is that for our no-bound civilization structure in which we are free to do anything what we want to do??? Really!!!

I don’t want to play a role of netas and all by speaking all these things ,but this is something what really make me frustrated ,when I thought of .

Leave it ……..we are Indians, and in India when something you have to say good should be in movies or in novels ….yeeee real life hai mere bhai …

In marathi there is good phrase for our typical tendency “ अज्ञानात सुख असते ”…

Good bye and happy Independence Day

Sunday, July 17, 2011

new season

many days had passed for my last post on my blog.the reasons are always limitless when someone try to give ...................
but now it is totally new and refresh mood you will see on my blog...
many things in my mind i just want to share here ..........
in past three years things has changed around my surroundings...
i will going to comment on it in my own ways....
so in this post i just want to say that ......I AM BACK.
in a week at least 3 posts to be written is my determination....
lets see what happen.....
for today that's it..bye.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011


when you achieve something that achievement is not only yours credit but many unknown hands are there behind of that which world cant see ...........
     i dont want like them ...

the news is that i am placed now but what is important for me is to have thanks of all those friends which remains with me and help me......
as in first couple of posts of my blogs i have mention that without these people my collage life is just hell......
 ('is' placed very carefully here please note that guys..that may be gramatical mistake but ...!!!!)
 I believe god helps us in many ways it comes with us in  many faces all these faces u are watching are not less than an angels for me ....
these all are the guys that really help me in my engg life ..

ROHAN(dude !!)
 the man which really cares for me ..and have faith that i am capable to be a man which can recruited by atleast any one company!!!!!!!!!!!!(i proved that atlast)

PAARAS (at now i am speechless for him no phrases with me for this guy)
the guy who make me capable to stand in front of IT industry ...
my friend ,my brother,my critic,my teacher(!!!)....
 man you are one of them beacuse of whom i am what i am now....
thanks  for remain with me 

sachin(left) potdar(R)
 sachya kay type karu te kalat nahi re ithe .....
 boss this is boy which is always with me in my every company process and always stand for me as a moral support ....and my distressing factor also!!!!!!!!
 and for potdar "jay maharashtra"... 

 VINAY (my virtual image)
man you shows  me the diffrent ways the life really have, you are really good initiator..and good caretaker 
vinay is my virtual image in collage whatever i am in collage is only because he is taking case of my faults which i made frequently one of biggest courage point........     

Friday, January 21, 2011

From My Mind To Your Screen

its big time i have not written any post on my blog ..
but today i got time(i am really kind of busy scheduled person)if say frankly today i have some subject on which i can write something..
before i move ahead i congratulate all those my friends in my class which got placed

ok many months before one of my frined asked me  that "according to you what is ideal life?"
now this is very easy question for me ,,,i quickly answerd " खा प्या झोपा "
i know most of you dont agree with me but friends lets think for minute if anyone provides
with your basic needs are not that is ideal life for you ......
for many of people whom i know this isnt?????!!!!!!
because they have some of there goals in there life(   HAA HAAA HAAAAAAAAA!!!!! ok i am serious again);
but guys don't you think that whatever we have in our life we should be happy in that ??
ya ah i know again some of you think that i am a guy who doesn't have any goals in his life and that all scrap!!!

but according to me whatever you have with you lets try to enjoy it ......
this is most important thing we all have to learn first ,all of us do what that we got in our hands neglect it and try to compare  with others and here we loose our mindset !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
i have learnt these things now days by observing the things going around of me as the campus placement are started and many are loosing there hope beacuse of small failure..........
                                   guys dont loose your hope like that be ready to face everything in your life and have a faith on that ENERGY(some of us call it as GOD)which you belive on....
          OK last dialogue " every dog have its day".......